Long before Metropolis, Illinois, was known as the home of Superman, the mansion graced the city. Prominent Metropolis residents built the home in 1889. In later years it served as a hospital and a retirement home. Today it is restored to sophisticated elegance and operates as the Summers Riverview Mansion bed and breakfast. We stayed at the Summers Riverview Mansion during our southern Illinois visit. It was our first stay in a bed and breakfast.
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Summer Riverview’s five guest rooms, all richly decorated with antiques, each have a private bath with claw-foot tub and a separate Jacuzzi tub.The parlor is a cozy gathering place.The sophistication continues at breakfast in the dining room. Innkeepers Hank and Colleen serve a delicious—and elegantly plated—meal. A stroll through the gardens after breakfast is a relaxing way to start your day.You may even see a wedding in progress at the adjacent Summers wedding chapel.Summers Riverview Mansion bed and breakfast takes you back to Victorian era romance but with the today’s comforts and conveniences. However, even the mansion has reminders of Superman’s place in Metropolis. A kryptonite chunk is embedded in the garden wall.
If you visit the Summers Riverview Mansion
Summers Riverview Mansion is located at 205 Metropolis Street, Metropolis, Illinois. The bed and breakfast is just one block from the Ohio River and across the street from Harrah’s Metropolis Casino.
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Disclosures: Enjoy Illinois hosted our stay at the Summers Riverview Mansion. Our stay was complimentary. However, any opinions expressed in this article are my own.
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