Meet ‘A Christmas Story’ cast December 16-17, 2023, as they reunite at the Indiana Welcome Center in Hammond, Indiana. The movie marks its 40th anniversary this year. To celebrate, the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority is hosting “Ralphie & the Gang Come Home.” Eight cast members are scheduled to be there, including Peter Billingsley, who played Ralphie in the movie.
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Classic Car Exhibit Opens at Indiana Welcome Center
On January 16, 1967, the Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme wouldn’t have made it through the streets of Hammond, Indiana—or anywhere in the Chicago area. That was the day 20 inches of snow pummeled Chicagoland. The ’67 Cutlass is one of more than a dozen antique and classic cars in the Cruisin’ Through the Times exhibit at the Indiana Welcome Center in Hammond, Indiana. This classic car exhibit, which runs through April 28, 2020, pairs each car with a newspaper headline from The Times of Northwest Indiana. The headline year coincides with the year the vehicle was manufactured. Read more