Swiss immigrants brought eighteen heifers and three calves to New Glarus, Wisconsin, in 1846. That was the beginning of what eventually grew into a rich cheese making heritage in Green County. Once home to 300 cheese factories, the number has dwindled to 12 today. However, Green County is still one of the nation’s leading cheese manufacturers. The National Historic Cheesemaking Center in Monroe, Wisconsin, shares Green County’s cheese making history with visitors. Read more
Wisconsin cheese
See Emmi Roth Cheese Made at Alp and Dell Cheese Store
The Bavarian architecture couldn’t be better suited for a cheese shop owned by a Swiss immigrant, nor could the setting be better located, adjacent to the Emmi Roth USA cheese factory. In fact, visitors can walk down the hall in the Monroe, Wisconsin, Alp and Dell Cheese Store and see some of the very products sold in the shop being made. Read more