Midwest Wanderer Newsletter – August 1, 2022

Midwest Wanderer Newsletter – August 1, 2022

The Return to Casey, Illinois

We promised our granddaughter, Carmela, we’d take her on a short trip as a birthday gift. Right away she said, “I want to go to Casey.” Casey, Illinois, is home to the world’s largest—well, a dozen different things.

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More Big Stuff: The Return to Casey, Illinois

More Big Stuff: The Return to Casey, Illinois

The small town of Casey, Illinois, is home to twelve of the world’s largest objects—rocking chair, wind chimes, and teeter-totter, to name a few. We wrote about the “Big Things Small Town” last year after we had passed through and had seen the attractions on and around Main Street. However, there are more “big” roadside attractions scattered through other parts of town. So, we spent the better part of a day there recently, and we took our granddaughter with us, knowing she’d love it. Here is a video of some of what Casey offers.

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Midwest Wanderer Newsletter – July 15, 2022

Midwest Wanderer Newsletter – July 15, 2022

I felt guilty, sitting in a chair outside our travel trailer, squandering time. I should be doing something, but what? After a late lunch, we weren’t ready for dinner. Go for a walk? Too wiped out from a busy day. I forgot to pack reading material, and was tired of looking at my phone. Skip joined me, and we both just sat, watching the squirrels scamper up and down trees and robins bob along the ground. Then, a red-headed woodpecker swooped in and landed on a tree trunk just twenty feet or so from where we sat.

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