Explore Shipshewana’s Off the Beaten Path Trail: Cottage Shops and Countryside

Explore Shipshewana’s Off the Beaten Path Trail: Cottage Shops and Countryside

Have you been to Shipshewana, Indiana? In the third-largest Amish community in the United States, you shared the roads and parking lots with Amish buggies. You probably filled up on huge Amish meals and perhaps browsed Amish-owned shops. But have you explored outside of Shipshewana proper? That’s what Shipshewana’s Off the Beaten Path Trail is all about. We traveled the trail recently during a sponsored Shipshewana visit. As the narrated audio recording directed us through the backroads of LaGrange County, we found Amish cottage shops, barn quilts, parks, and small-town charm.

Normally, we do a trail like this all in one shot. But, because our itinerary included visiting attractions in town each day, we did it piecemeal, which worked just fine. Read more