7 Ways to Have Fun in Hendricks County

7 Ways to Have Fun in Hendricks County

Having visited Hendricks County several times over the past few years, I’ve noticed how different the various areas of the county are. Within minutes you can drive from a city-like atmosphere to a rural setting, and each area offers its own brand of adventure, culture and fun.

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Who Says You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Who Says You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

2013 was a year of learning for me, a year full of firsts.  Fairly new to travel writing, having only begun to write regularly for Examiner.com in the fall of 2012, and having started my own Midwest Wanderer blog in May 2013, I went through the trials and tribulations that new technologies bring, and I’m still learning.  Heavens knows I’ve made more than my share of social media blunders and I’m certain there will be more.  But most of my firsts have been wonderful experiences in the exciting world of travel and travel writing.  Here are some of them:

Stepped out onto the Willis Tower Ledge, with just a piece of glass between my feet and the ground 1,353 feet below, facing my fear of heights

Willis_Tower_LedgeZip lined, underground no less, at the Louisville Mega Cavern, another challenge to my phobia

Mega_CavernWent horseback riding at the Natural Valley Ranch, actually my second time on horseback but the first time in a downpour

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAStayed in a bed and breakfast, the Summers Riverview Mansion

Summers_Riverview_outsideExperienced the paranormal (just a whiff of perfume, but it was unmistakable) on the Alton Hauntings Walking Tour

prison1Attended a polo match at the Oak Brook Polo Club

PoloParasailed on the Mississippi and Kayaked on the Rock River.  You’ll find out more about both this spring.

Besides all the firsts, I’ve discovered museums, theaters, shops, markets, parks, restaurants, wineries and more in small towns throughout the Midwest, many towns that I didn’t even know existed.  But best of all are the people I’ve met, from tourism bureau reps and fellow travel writers to shop owners, museum curators, other travelers, so many more I’ve crossed paths with, and especially you, my readers.

I’m looking forward to more new experiences in 2014 and to sharing them with you, to help you in your search of great places to wander.

Happy New Year and safe travels.
Connie Reed
Midwest Wanderer

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Horseback Riding in the Rain at Natural Valley Ranch

Horseback Riding in the Rain at Natural Valley Ranch

I’m all for trying new adventures.  Horseback riding isn’t new for me, but I’m still a greenhorn, having only been riding once before in my lifetime.  So when the opportunity came up for me to ride the trails at the Natural Valley Ranch near Brownsburg, Indiana, of course I accepted. Read more