You’ve heard of Daniel Boone, the early American frontiersman. Chances are, however, you’ve never heard of Squire Boone. Squire was Daniel’s younger brother, ten years his junior. Just as daring as his older brother, Squire explored territories that would become the states of Kentucky and Indiana. He discovered what is now known as Squire Boone Caverns and lived the last part of his life there. Squire Boone built a grist mill and village near the caverns, which are located near Indiana’s first capital, Corydon. At his request, when he died, Squire’s remains were placed in the caverns. Today, a tour of the cavern takes you past not only gorgeous formations, but also a casket that contains Squires remains. Read more
caves in southern indiana
Touring Southern Indiana’s Marengo Cave

If you’ve ever toured a cave, you’re likely familiar with stalactites, stalagmites, columns, soda straws, and flowstone. Maybe even draperies and cave bacon. But have you ever heard of a calcite flower? Or seen a pool of water so reflective that you mistake the reflection for a deep recess of the cave? Every cave offers something special. A calcite flower and the reflective water are just two unique attributes in southern Indiana’s Marengo Cave, arguably the most decorated cave in the Interior Lowlands of the United States. Read more